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You can’t test Quality in ... you have to design it in.
Quality Control is for most people and organizations reduced to Testing, even though most of us are aware of how costly Testing is and that there are more intelligent ways to achieve Quality and to do Quality Control. Lean SpecQC is one of the most effective and proven methods for intelligent Quality Control you can do.
Intended Audience
Authors of project critical documents (Contracts, Requirements, Architecture, Design, Testers), Quality Assurance, Test Responsible, Quality Control.
Lack of clarity, unambiguous, and incorrect statements in project specifications (Contracts, Requirements, Design, Code, Test-Plans, etc.) can lead to significant delays and outright failures in projects. Projects today are usually very complex with high demands on delivered Quality while at the same time resources and delivery timelines are very strict. The time pressure and complexity lead to errors in the project documentation. The costs of an error created in a higher-level document multiply as it spreads down into the documentation and into the product. The norm is to freely allow these defects to be created and to spread throughout the documentation and into the product without doing much about it. It is, therefore, the norm to have long, costly testing phases, and even to have so many defects in the testing phases that one under deadline pressures release products with lower quality levels than the company and the customers like.
With Lean SpecQC, you learn how to quickly measure the Quality of the documents (Contracts, Requirements, Design, Code) at the time of writing them. You will learn how to use these measurements up against quantitative document Exit criteria, to ensure that the quality levels of the documents are economical to release, that the documents will not cause delays for the projects in its later stages.
The process is focused on giving the document authors the feedback they need to learn to write their documents to a high standard. They will learn to write documents that will not cause problems and time delays later. The Authors will learn, the authoring process will improve, and the defects showing up at Test will be dramatically reduced.
Professionals with a Lean SpecQC Leader Certification have the skills to plan, execute, and follow-up a Lean SpecQC. They know how to measure the document quality through the use of sampling, optimum checking rates, rules, procedures, and numeric entry and exit conditions.
This skill set will add tremendous value to any authoring process where defects add downstream costs.
In-depth knowledge of How to lead a Lean SpecQC
How to quickly (within one hour) Measure the defect level of any document.
How to stabilize the Lean SpecQC-effectiveness using optimum-checking-rates and specification-rules.
How to find defects and how to estimate the remaining defects that are not yet found.
How to use numeric Entry and Exit conditions.
Workshop mode: You will be in a team of about three people who will pick a document, organize a Lean SpecQC of that document, then execute the Lean SpecQC, then estimate and evaluate the results of the Lean SpecQC. There will be about 50% lectures and 50% practical work on your team’s project. Towards the end of the day, your team will present your team’s work.
Using Lean SpecQC, you will learn a process to write and Quality Control documents to a quality level that ensures that you don’t end up with hundreds or thousands of defects at the Test stage and in the field. Most software development projects end up with lengthy and costly testing phases. This is avoidable using Lean SpecQC.
Document Authors learn, through systematic feedback from their colleagues, to write their documents following agreed standards that lead to clarity and fewer bugs. This again leads to vastly reduced time to market.
Learning to write documents, so the intended audience understands your intentions unambiguously and clearly.
Creating a culture of authors that write their documents to a high level of Quality.
Reducing time to market for your product development with 50%
Releasing products with high-quality levels on time and under budget.
What is it worth to you to have Authors write their Specifications, unambiguously clear and understandable, correct and according to an agreed standard.
What is it worth to you to getting to test and finding very few defects.
What is it worth to you if you and your team could deliver your products with high-quality levels early?
What is it worth to you to reduce the time to market by 50% ?
Sign up for the Lean SpecQC leader certification training now.
About the trainers
Tom Gilb and Kai Gilb are the recognized authorities in the world on the subject of Inspections & Lean SpecQC. Published the first book on the subject in 1993, Software Inspection, now in its 14th printing. They both have 20+ years of teaching it to industry-leading organizations all over the world. They are a very enthusiastic and dynamic father and son team that will ensure that the workshop will be an interesting, memorable learning experience and that you will appreciate for the rest of your career.
Certification: Inspection Leader - Trained
Duration: 1 day
Email us at [email protected] to get training now.
I over 35 og 25 år har vi vært ledende på kvalitetsikring innen produktutvikling internasjonalt. Vi har lært opp organisasjoner som Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, HP, Boing, Citibank og Deutsche Bank i mer effektive kvalitetssikrings metoder.
Frustrert over en kultur som førte til lange og meget dyre test faser. En kultur der man for å levere et produkt til høy kvalitet måtte teste mere og derfor utsette leveringstiden. Tom bestemte seg for å finne og utvikle metoder der man flytter kostnadene fra Test til Koding til Design til Krav til Kontrakt. Han lærte ‘Software Inspection’ og ‘Defect Prevention’. Han jobbet med firmaer verden over og systematisk optimaliserte og forbedret metodene. I 1988 ga han ut boken ‘Software Inspection’. Metodene var så effektive at de fort spredde seg videre fra software til hardware, til ingeniør faget og til ledelse. I en verden i stadig endring, utviklet Tom og Kai mer og mere fokuserte varianter. I Citibank utviklet vi ‘Agile Inspektion’ som har vist seg å gi maksimal verdi for investert tid.
Ved hjelp av ‘Agile Inspection’ kan man måle kvaliteten på ingeniør dokumenter. Og man kan estimere og veie opp kostnadene ved å leve med kvalitetsnivået slik det er eller forbedre det. Videre gir denne målingen grunnlag til å kontinuerlig forbedre ingeniør prosessene. Det viser seg at det er 10x mer effektivt å flytte innsatsen fra å finne og rette feil i test, en prosess som er meget langtekkelig og dyr, til å finne og rette feil i ingeniør prosessene (Krav, Arkitektur, Design). Videre er det 10x mere effektivt å lære å ikke gjøre feil i første omgang, en å finne og rette de i ingeniør prosessene.
Det er dette du vil lære på dette kurset. Der andre kvalitetssikrings kurs fokuserer på de siste ledd, når skaden allerede er gjort, vil du på dette kurset lære hvordan du gjør det rett tidlig i prosessen slik at du ikke får lange og dyre prosesser mot slutten, som utsetter levering.
På kursdag en vil vi du få en oversikt og en smakebit på 7 metoder for å sikre kvalitet tidlig. Vi vil jobbe med kvantifisering av kvaliteter som vedlikeholdbarhet, oppetid, sikkerhet osv. Hvordan man designer inn kvalitet, i motsetning til å teste det inn mot slutten.
På kursdag to vil du lære og vi vil øve oss i ‘Agile Inspection’ slik at du kan gjennomføre ‘Agile Inspections’ til å måle kvaliteten på alle dokumenter i ditt eget firma.
Meld deg på nå, og få boken ‘Competitive Engineering’ i pdf format med en gang. Boken er banebrytende på mange felt og kapittel 8 tar for seg Agile Inspection.
Du vil også umiddelbart få tilgang til “Weekly Principles with Kai & Tom Gilb”. Hver uke i 100 uker legger Kai & Tom fram ett prinsipp rundt prosjektledelse og kvalitetssikring og diskuterer det i en video. Her vil du få innsikt etter innsikt, før kurset og lenge etter kurset.
Vi ønsker deg velkommen til denne unike sjansen til å lære deg metoder som er 10x mere effektive en Testing. Er du også lei av lange dyre test faser? Lær deg å levere opptil 2x tidligere til halve kostnaden. Lær deg ‘Agile Inspection’ og 7 andre konkrete metoder for å lykkes. Lær direkte fra Tom Gilb og Kai Gilb.
50% Complete
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