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ValueFirst Video Podcast 2: Stakeholders

Oct 29, 2019

ValueFirst Video Podcast with Tom & Kai Gilb

Stakeholders..., not merely users, surely not user-stories, not solely customers. To succeed, you got to get your Stakeholders right.

Join Tom Gilb & Kai Gilb as we discuss and joke about what needs to be done to succeed in product...

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ValPlan - Improvements in latest release - Oct 2019

Oct 21, 2019
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ValueFirst Video Podcast 1: In Projects, why do Managers Bullshit about their Critical Values?

Oct 14, 2019

ValueFirst Video Podcast with Tom & Kai Gilb

See the whole interview with Elon Musk by the Everyday Astronaut - Tim Dodd.
A conversation with Elon Musk about Starship

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Simon Wright - ValueFirst Expert Interview

Oct 01, 2019

Sharing wisdom from years of experience and from a recent acquisition project with the Norwegian Army.

About Simon: 

Systems and Software Engineering - Requirements and Estimation
Consultant and Practitioner for 30+ years.
Specialties: Requirements Engineering, Systems and Software...

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Empowering Creators - by Tom Gilb in English

Jun 25, 2019

Tom Gilbs Keynote at Empowering Creators

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Niels Malotaux - ValueFirst Expert Interview

Jun 18, 2019

ValueFirst Expert Interview with Niels Malotaux by Kai Gilb

Learn how Niels Malotaux applies ValueFirst principles to deliver value to stakeholders on-time under-budget.

And how you can apply the much-needed Bullshit Stamp.


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Paul Field - ValueFirst Expert Interview

May 22, 2019

Learn how Paul Field helped transform 9 business lines, at a big international bank, using ValueFirst. They quantified three values at the top level and got everyone focused on delivering those three values.
And much much more... this is an in-depth interview.

Paul is based in London, UK and has...

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Two Effective Techniques to Mitigate Product Development Risks

May 16, 2019
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How to Plan for the Unknown - by Tom Gilb

May 14, 2019

In all planning situations, you can safely assume that there will be known unknowns, unknown unknowns, and shocking changes.

You can, like many ‘weak’ planners, use these ’surprises’ as your ‘excuses’ for your project failure. But we hope you want better...

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When creating products and services, what should StartUp entrepreneurs focus on?

Feb 18, 2019

ValueFirst for Startups Talk by Kai Gilb held for the Founder Institute - Oslo.

Do they focus on creating something new and exciting, or is it something else that will make their products and services successful?

What is your experience?

The talk is 20 min. and uses two case studies to...

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